In most organisations, the people development process in isolation is robust however an execution gap arises when it is weakly linked to the business planning process. This is a huge mistake as it is critical, a formal assessment of the capability needed to execute the plan is undertaken. While it sounds obvious, if the skills and resources to execute the plan are not available, then they either need to be requested in the annual plan or the plan's ambition needs to be scaled back, in many business planning cycles resourcing to execute the plan is assumed even when a cursory assessment would show otherwise, in that regard
- Heads of Function should be part of the market trends discussion and have a process step to prepare within the annual plan an assessment of their current capability Vs what is needed to meet the plan goals and look out 1-2 years and highlight skills and resource changes that will need to be planned.
- This should at minimum be reviewed bi-annually.
A relevant current example, to know whether you have a process gap here, is to ask the question what is your process for assessing the future organisation capability needs based on Artificial Intelligence adoption and possibilities within your market? Is it already embedded in the way you work or are you taking a siloed approach with initiatives driven by individuals, or in fact not acting on this megatrend, because there is no process to formally assess, debate, decide and act?
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